
Community Mental Health for Central Michigan contracts with over 100 specialized (Type A & B) residenital providers and over 25 Community Living Support providers.

Dear Network Providers:

Welcome to Community Mental Health for Central Michigan (CMHCM).  We are excited to be able to offer this electronic Provider Network manual.  This manual contains information about CMHCM’s policies and procedures and other resources.  The purpose of this manual is to familiarize you with the operations of CMHCM and provide the tools necessary to efficiently and effectively serve our mutual consumers. 

As changes happen at CMHCM this manual will be updated and it is the responsibility of the provider to stay updated.  If you should have any questions regarding the content of this manual please feel free to contact the Provider Network Manager-Katherine Squire.  Our administration office can be reached at 989-772-5938.  We welcome your feedback and suggestions about information that would be most useful for providers.  We sincerely appreciate your participation in the CMHCM provider network and join us in our mission: “To promote community inclusion and optimal recovery through provision of comprehensive and quality integrated services to individuals with a mental illness, developmental disability, and/or substance use disorder.”


Katherine Squire 
Provider Network Manager


  • Key Contacts 
    - Main Office: 989-772-5938 
    - Recipient Rights (Mt. Pleasant):  989-772-5938 x1500 
    - Recipient Rights (Midland): 989-772-5938 x5904 
    - Customer Service: 989-772-5938 x1105


Recipient Rights

Infection Control/Blood Bourne Pathogens

Safety and Fire Prevention

Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act


Assessment of Network Adequacy

Medicaid Provider Manual

Mental Health Court Forms

"Ms. Gloria is an amazing asset to the CMHCM team! Thank you for your services!"
-Clare County