Evidence Based Practices

Children’s Evidence Based Practices

We are an agency that practices family centered treatment and promotes lasting change and recovery for youth. All services are based on the values of trauma informed care and a culture of gentleness. We utilize strategies of motivational interviewing and cognitive behavioral treatment.

Evidence Based Practice: Baby Court (about one year)
Availability: Clare, Gladwin, Isabella, Midland
    Age Range: Ages 0 - 3
    Presenting Problems: Court jurisdiction for infant and toddler abuse/neglect concerns
Exclusions: Referrals only from court (limited availability) or MDHHS
Format: Supportive visitation, individual and family therapy
Outcome Tools Used: DECA, Massie-Campbell, Ages and Stages
Additional Information: Requires court referral or MDHHS

Evidence Based Practice: Brief Strategic Family Therapy (BSFT®) (~ 6 months or less)
Availability: Midland, Mecosta, Isabella, and Osceola
    Age Range: Ages 6 - 17
    Presenting Problems: Must be referred under a youth with behavioral problems, substance use or co-occurring disorders, or internalizing symptoms such as depression, anxiety. Very few rule outs for eligibility.
Exclusions: Parent with active psychosis or substance use disorder (until this is addressed as a primary intervention)
Format: This is a family therapy approach that includes strategic work with subsystems in the family, such as parents, siblings, or individuals.
Outcome Tools Used: CAFAS/PECFAS
Additional Information: BSFT® has over 50 years of research positive for treating presenting problems in youth and preserving family relationships.

Evidence Based Practice: Infant Mental Health
Availability: ALL
    Age Range: Pregnancy – 47 months
    Presenting Problems: : Families where the parent's condition and life circumstances, or the characteristics of the infant, threaten the parent-infant attachment and the consequent social, emotional, behavioral and cognitive development of the infant.  Services reduce the incidence and prevalence of abuse, neglect, developmental delay, behavioral and emotional disorder and promote healthy attachment, resilience and optimal mental health for both the infant and parent/primary caregiver. DC 0-5 diagnosis
Exclusions: Prolonged absence of primary caregiver
Format: Parent-infant support and therapeutic family-focused intervention services in the home and community
Outcome Tools Used: DECA, Ages and Stages, PICCOLO, Massie-Campbell
Additional Information: Based on parental risk factors. Diagnosis is made observationally

Evidence Based Practice: Multisytemic Therapy
Availability: Isabella and Midland
    Age Range: Ages 12 - 17
    Presenting Problems: Youth at risk of out-of-home placement due to anti-social or delinquent behaviors, including substance abuse
Exclusions: Autism spectrum, developmental disability or in conjunction with other treatments.
Format: Intensive family and community-based treatment
Outcome Tools Used: CAFAS/MST evaluation (contracted service)
Additional Information: Contract with court for those without Medicaid coverage

Evidence Based Practice: Multi-systemic Therapy for Problem Sexual Behaviors (MST-PSB)
Availability: Isabella and Midland
    Age Range: Ages 10 - 17
    Presenting Problems: Children or youth who engage, or have engaged, in sexual behaviors that are illegal, regardless of whether or not they have been adjudicated for such illegal acts.
Exclusions: Autism spectrum, developmental disability or in conjunction with other treatments.
Format: Intensive family and community-based treatment
Outcome Tools Used: CAFAS/MST evaluation (contracted service)
Additional Information: Referrals are accepted for review from mental health agencies, juvenile probation, prosecution, victim advocates, child advocacy centers, DHHS/CPS and schools.

Evidence Based Practice: Parent-Child Interaction Therapy (PCIT) (~ 6 months)
Availability: All Counties
    Age Range: Ages 2-6, some young 7 year olds possible
    Presenting Problems: ODD and ADHD type behaviors, tantrums, noncompliance, aggression, trauma/abuse
Exclusions: Parent unwilling to participate/ Actively psychotic
Format: 2 parent only sessions-rest family session with parent and child
Outcome Tools Used: ECBI and DPICS-for data collection pre/post scores tracked
Additional Information: Sessions done in the office setting.

Evidence Based Practice: Parent Management Training Oregon Model (PMTO) (~ 6 months)
Availability: All counties
    Age Range: Ages 4 - 17
    Presenting Problems: Oppositional behavior, issues and school or home, general behavior concerns
Exclusions: Parent with active psychosis or substance use disorder
Format: Primary intervention is parent focused if there is not weekly parenting time with the child
Outcome Tools Used: CAFAS/PECFAS and the SAGA-Strengths and Growths Assessment

Evidence Based Practice: Trauma Focused Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (TF-CBT)
Availability: All Counties
    Age Range: Ages 3 - 17
    Presenting Problems: PTSD or PTSD possibility, clinical judgment of trauma after completion of assessment tool.
Exclusions: Assessment not indicative of trauma symptoms
Format: Individual and family sessions
Outcome Tools Used: UCLA Northshore CAFAS/PECFAS

Evidence Based Practice: Wraparound (no time limit, but usually about a year)
Availability: All Counties
    Age Range: Up to age 21
    Presenting Problems: Targets youth with SED primary and their family system, team approach to identifying and supporting families in maintenance of youth in family care
Format: Facilitated team approach to services and supports for youth and their family
Outcome Tools Used: CAFAS score, Family Status Report
Additional Information: Requires either court or DHHS involvement for Waiver

Group Models

Evidence Based Practice: Adolescent Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT) Skill Building Group
Availability: All counties
    Age Range: Ages 12-17, based on maturity level and fit with group milieu
    Presenting Problems: Emotional or behavioral dysregulation, self-injury
Exclusions: Poor fit with group milieu, lack of commitment or unwillingness to do homework
Format: Weekly group and complementary skills session with youth and caregiver
Outcome Tools Used: CAFAS, BSL (Borderline Symptom Checklist)
Additional Information: Groups not offered in all counties with a consistent schedule

Evidence Based Practice: Nurturing Parenting Program (~ 20 weeks)
Availability: Virtual options available in all counties
    Age Range: Emphasis on prenatal to adolescence
    Presenting Problems: Attachment and bonding concerns, developmental education and support
Exclusions: Weekly group at this time with parent only
Format: NPPI pre and post
Outcome Tools Used: AAPI, pre and post
Additional Information: Groups offered both virtually and in-person 

Evidence Based Practice: Parenting Through Change (PMTO)* (~ 14 weeks)
Availability:Clare County
    Age Range: Ages 5 - 17
    Presenting Problems: Behavior disorder
Exclusions: Parents with active psychosis or substance use disorder
Format: Weekly parent group
Outcome Tools Used: CAFAS/PECFAS and Caregiver Wishlist

Evidence Based Practice: Seeking Safety* (up to 6 months)
    Age Range: Ages 12 - 17
    Presenting Problems: PTSD, trauma and substance abuse
Format: 25 topics – can be done in group or individually
Outcome Tools Used: CAFAS Child/adolescent trauma checklist

Evidence Based Practice: Trauma Informed Parenting
Availability: All counties
    Age Range: For parents of any aged child who has experienced traums
    Presenting Problems: Trauma related symptoms, or diagnosis of PTSD or a trauma related disorder.
Format: Weekly group for eight weeks
Outcome Tools Used: Pre and post assessment
Additional Information: Groups offered both virtually and in-person 



* Emerging practices

Adult Evidence Based Practices

Evidence Based Practice: Assertive Community Treatment (ACT)
Availability: All Counties
    Diagnosis: Axis I-Severe and persistent mentally illness. Individuals that are more chronic with severe symptoms.
    Presenting Problems: The needs of these individuals are more than one CM can traditionally provide to keep them stable in the community.
Exclusions: Axis II disorder symptoms should not be driving all of the symptoms and behaviors.
Format: Multi-Disciplinary team approach serving members in their homes and the community.
Outcome Tools Used: RAS
Additional Information: Needs ACT Team approval for referral and program assignment.

Evidence Based Practice: IDDT-Integrated Dual Diagnosis Treatment
Availability: All Counties
    Diagnosis: Co-occurring
    Presenting Problems: Substance use and ongoing mental health symptoms.
Exclusions: Exclude individuals who have MI or SA only diagnosis.
Format: Multidisciplinary team serves consumers through a variety of services.
Outcome Tools Used: RAS
Additional Information: Voluntary participation required. ACT Teams act as IDDT teams and some OP Teams in the various counties.

Evidence Based Practice: Living in Balance
Availability: Midland
    Diagnosis: Co-occurring
    Presenting Problems: Pre-contemplative or contemplative stage of change.
Exclusions: None
Format: Weekly group.
Outcome Tools Used: SSI-AOD
Additional Information: Manualized treatment from SAMHSA

Evidence Based Practice: Motivational Interviewing
Availability: All Counties
    Diagnosis: All Diagnosis
    Presenting Problems: Co-occurring, pre-contemplation stage of change for any problem.
Exclusions: None
Format: Individual
Outcome Tools Used: RAS
Additional Information: Minimum intervention provided by all staff.

Evidence Based Practice: Prolonged Exposure
Availability: All Counties
    Diagnosis: PTSD
    Presenting Problems: Trauma related symptoms.
Exclusions: People still in traumatic environment or have a lack of copying skills to manage potential increase in symptoms.
Format: Individual sessions-uses imaginal and in vivo exposure.
Outcome Tools Used: DASS
Additional Information: Consumer must be willing to do homework as part of the treatment.

Evidence Based Practice: Project Calm (10 - 12 weeks)
Availability: Mecosta-looking to start in other counties.
    Diagnosis: SPMI/IDD
    Presenting Problems: Anger problems and Substance use
Exclusions: None
Format: Group
Outcome Tools Used: Multidimensional Anger Inventory
Additional Information: Consumers are given a handbook to complete while in group.

Evidence Based Practice: CBT (Cognitive Behavioral Therapy)
Availability: All Counties
    Diagnosis: SPMI
    Presenting Problems: Depression/Anxiety
Exclusions: None
Format: Individual treatment.
Outcome Tools Used: RAS
Additional Information: Hypnotherapy can be used to enhance effectiveness.

Evidence Based Practice: Evidence Based Practice Supported Employment
Availability: All Counties
    Diagnosis: SPMI
    Presenting Problems: Individual who expresses an interest in competitive employment.
Exclusions: Individual must have a primary diagnosis of SPMI, express an interest in competitive employment and actively participate in job search/ development
Format: Meetings with SE specialist and/or peer in the office and in the community depending on needs.
Outcome Tools Used: IPS/Supported Employment Fidelity Scale (Dartmouth)
Additional Information: Referral needs to be sent to IPS supervisor after immediate (clinical) supervisor for review. There can be a waiting list.

Evidence Based Practice: TREM (Trauma Recovery Empowerment Model) MTREM, TIAT
Availability: All Counties
    Diagnosis: PTSD or individuals with a significant trauma history.
    Presenting Problems: Trauma related symptoms.
Exclusions: None
Format: Curriculum can be delivered individually or group with Group format preferred
Outcome Tools Used: Stressful Life Experiences Survey
Additional Information: Several variations of the curriculum including: MTREM/(Men’s Trauma Recovery Empowerment Model) and TIAT/Trauma Informed Additions Treatment.

"Sara H. and Ferren will forever be in my heart as they helped me navigate the worst time of my life."
-Gladwin County